Friday, June 23, 2023

The Comedian


Me, quietly minding my own business relaxing on the couch
The 5-year-old crawls over the back and holds out her hands each balled into a fist "Which one?"
Me: "Which one what?"
Kid: "Which one do you want?"
Me: (silently thinking neither since the last time we did this you gave me a booger, but I never learn my lesson so...) 
"OK, I'll take that one" and point to her right hand
Kid: opens her hand, nothing in there
Me: points to the other hand "OK then how about that one?"
Kid: opens her other hand and nothing in there either,
She falls off the couch laughing
Me: "you are ridiculous"
Kid: "No I'm not, I'm Larious!!!"
Yep, absolutely ridiculously Hil-larious.