Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Did you know, no one can drive except me?

If people would just learn how to drive I would not need to continually draw from my list of handy dandy questions and helpful suggestions for other drivers.

What are you doing?
No seriously, What... ARE... you doing?

Go... Go.... please just go.....

Crap, is that a cop?

I'm already driving over the speed limit, what more do you want?

They have a slow lane for a reason... use it and get out of my way.

Where did you learn to drive?  Mario Cart?

G**DAMN woman drivers!

Is THAT a cop?

Go... GO GO GO...  why aren't you going?

What are you 105? Get off the road!

It's called a gas pedal.... USE IT!

Beware the van.

It was MY turn...

Now THAT looks like cop.

Who taught you to drive, my grandmother?

Turn.... now.... go now.... TURN! For the love of GOD why don't you turn already???

Why can't everyone drive as well as I do?

Oh I'm sorry.... was I in your way?

Make up your mind! This lane or that lane.
Not BOTH lanes.


Why would you do that? WHY?

Go... gogogogogo.... you could have gone 20 times.. what is WRONG with you?


Wednesday, November 14, 2012

No Math for Old People

Help me!!!
I don't wanna do 6th grade algebra anymore!
I'm too grown up for this!
I AM I AM I AM!!!!!!!!
No really, I am.