Monday, October 23, 2017

So there

You know it's going to be one of those days when you get into an argument with your GPS about how to get to where you're going.
Just for the record, I won.


Monday, August 14, 2017

And the answer is....

Two buses leave Kansas City going in opposite directions.

One is going 45 miles per hour and the other is going 55 miles per hour. How long until they are 400 miles apart?

This was on yesterday's Algebra 2 homework.

I NEVER believed they really had these kinds of questions in real life.

I was wrong.

The answer BTW was about 4 hours

Saturday, August 12, 2017

Thar she blows

How to give Katherine a cosmic meltdown:

Me: Is this your toothbrush on the left side of the sink in your bathroom?
Kat: Nope. Must be Jeffrey's. Mine is the purple one on the right.
Me: Jeffrey, is this YOUR toothbrush on the left side of the sink in your bathroom?
Jeffrey: Nope mine is the purple one on right
Kat (rushing out of her room): WAIT.... WHAT????? NOOOOOOOO!!! That's MINE!!! OMG OMG Have YOU been using MY toothbrush all this time??? OMG OMG That is SO gross.... YUCK YUCK YUCK.... MOM I NEED A NEW TOOTHBRUSH.... EW EW EW EW..... I'm just going to die. That's it. Life is over. 
She ran into her room, choking and gagging and slammed the door.

At least I now know why the toothbrush on the left never looked used.

Friday, July 7, 2017

Weather Report

Holy freakin' mother of crisco.....

It's 110° outside at 9 PM with winds that feel like they are blowing straight outta hell.

This now concludes your eyewitness weather report for the evening.

You're welcome.