Sunday, August 15, 2010

The Blog Forgotten

 Hell hath no neglect like a blog forgotten.

It hasn't exactly been forgotten, Ive just been so overwhelmed and busy that I haven't had a spare moment to sit and do something pleasurable like blogging.

And while family life trudges forward, the summer has felt a million years long but the school year is in sight.

I miss my older kids who in moments of inspired independence have moved too far away to see them often. Even my oldest daughter who is only 30 miles away, is going to school so can't make it out more than a few times a month.

I suppose it makes me try to squeeze as much enjoyment as possible out of the younger crew who are still living at home because one day they will spread their wings and head off into the great unknown called life. And there won't be any others to fill up that void.

Don't get me wrong... I don't want more kids and I honestly can't wait to get this bunch back into school so I have a few minutes alone to do silly things, like think or use the bathroom without inquiry as to where I am.

Occasionally though there are moments that just remind you not to take yourself too seriously.

A couple weeks back I came across a baggie of those magnetic words that you can put up on the fridge and  make sentences.  I put the words up  making sure to remove the ones that I might not want them to use... I had purchased the "Love and Romance" add on set years ago and all those were mixed in. Though in the first day Jeff noted that Jeffrey was simply reading the words out loud and came across "Blow Me" strung together when I put them up. (No I wasn't paying attention)

After that we started getting more g-rated contributions

Katherine's included:
The moon is beautiful in the dark
Peace and Love

Alex added:
Please darling unicorn come laugh on our moon forever

Jeff  thought up:
They might like a dragon for dinner
Eat that monster creature from the boat
he also snuck "Bad Wolf" into the mix (Dr Who fans will appreciate that)

I wrote:
A pink goddess will sing and dance with the mermaid
Celebrate awesome love
Please kiss the bubble monster

And in the middle of all the flowery words and romantic thoughts was Jeffrey's addition:

"I ate a crayon".

Yep, that's my gifted child.